Koleje Małe i Duże 1-2/2013(30)
Editorial: Koleje Śląskie – tribute to the films by Bareja . 1
PLK are shrinking ....................................................... 3
Domestic news .......................................................... 4
The Polish - German frontier 2011-2012 ....................... 6
Railway from Krościenko to Łupków ........................... 10
The railways of Roztocze ........................................... 14
Excursions and events 2012/2013 .............................. 22
- The SA110 railcar farewell
- By Steam Train through Wielkopolska
- The Poznań junctions
- The Bieszczady Forestry Railway
- 110 years of the Izery Mountin Railway
- Steam Locomotive Gala
The uncertain fate of SU42 class locomotives .............. 32
In the years 1999 and 2000 40 class SP42
locomotives were adjusted to electric train heating by the addition of a 3 kV
power generator instead of a steam heating boiler. Such modernised locomotives
were designated as SU42 and were given numbers in the range of 501÷540.
The machines received a new yellow and blue livery, and were subsequently
nicknamed ‘Polsat’ (after a popular TV channel logo). The rebuilt vehicles
were grouped in a number of motive power depots (Bydgoszcz, Gdynia, Nowy Sącz,
Olsztyn, Szczecin, Wrocław), where they were used to haul local passenger
trains on secondary non-electrified routes. In recent years, due to
the organisational changes and the changes in the financing of regional
passenger services which resulted in the introduction of new railcars,
the demand for these locomotives was greatly reduced.
Through the viewfinder: Bydgoszcz 1968 .................... 40
PKP Pt31 express locomotives 44 ............................... 44
The Pt31 express locomotives
– beautiful, strong, with good acceleration and maximum speed of 110 km/h,
which was enough to meet the than PKP needs, were introduced in 1931.
Altogether 110 such machines were built between 1932 and 1940. The locomotives
were built by Pierwsza Fabryka Lokomotyw Sp. Akc. in Chrzanów, which was renamed
as Oberschlesische Lokomotivfabrik AG Kattowitz, Werk Krenau after the German
invasion of Poland. Only 65 were returned after the cessation of hostilities.
They hauled mainline expresses until the end of 1970s, being gradually phased
out by electrification. The Pt31 drawings formed the basis to construct
the well-known Pt47s, with such new additions as thermic siphons in the firebox
or riveting replaced by welding.
Nowy Sącz locomotive allocations .............................. 74
History of the Nowy Sącz locomotive depot ................. 76
The Nowy Sącz steam depot was built
along with the construction of the Galizische Transversalbahn in 1876. In 1914,
just before the outbreak of WWI, the depot (together with a sub-depot in Stróże)
had an allocation of 70 steam locomotives of eight Austrian classes. The Nowy Sącz
depot was also managing depots in Zakopane, Nowy Targ, Chabówka, Stróże as well as
servicing points in Muszyna and Dobra. The period of 1960s/70s saw the largest number
of steam locomotives allocated to the depot - in 1974 Nowy Sącz was home
to 87 steam locomotives, mostly of Ty2 and TKt48 classes. Currently Nowy Sącz
is the seat of the Southern Division of PKP Cargo, whose structures
include also sections in Tarnów, Dębica and Żurawica. Steam was replaced
with SM42 diesels and ET22, ET41, EU07 electrics, from 19 Oct. 2011
including also the British built EU06s.
SM42/SP42 models by PIKO ...................................... 96
The SM42 and SP42 models offered
by PIKO please the eye, as they are the first truly large scale, commercially
built model of a popular Polish locomotive. The model is well built and affordable,
it also constitutes a great base for a modeller to enhance the vehicle’s appearance
and functions to a level ideally representing the original. The article describes
the options and realism that may be achieved after the addition of a different
sound decoder than the one proposed by the manufacturer and locating it
in a different place. The proposed modernisation of the locomotive’s lights
allows them to be lit according to the basic signals included in the E-1 manual,
while the sound saved in the decoder is not an imitation but the sound
of an original, full-size SM42 diesel.
Industrial narrow gauge railways H0f ....................... 104
A model layout in a castle ....................................... 108
Our Library: Railways in Poland ............................... 112
Announcements and club forum ............................... 114