Number with disc video DVD!
Feuilleton - Under the Christmas Tree
From home
Traces of old railway - "Side track" from Gliwice
Stadler in Poland
The Racibórz - Chałupki railway at 160
150 years of railways in Tarnowskie Góry
Although jubilees fall every 10 years, in 2007, like never before
on the PKP, jubilees of the anniversaries of railway lines falling
in the year were observed in an exceptionally festive way. Everywhere
there were official celebrations, informal exhibits, speeches by
politicians, playing of music, and - important for every rail enthusiast
- excursions of "retro" trains were organized.On 1 May 1847 the
Raciborz - Bogumin line was placed in service, at the same time |
creating the first international connection between Prussia and Austria.
With the coming of the 160th anniversary of this event, a special
steam train was operated from Raciborz - Chalupki and return.
Thanks to the construction of the Opole-Zawadzkie - Tarnowskie
Gory line, the first train to Tarnowskie Gory arrived in February
1857. On 16 June 2007, the 150th anniversary of this event, three
"retro" trains arrived simultaneously. With the goal of celebrating
similar jubilees, steam trains also turned up in Jaworzyna, Kostrzyn,
Krzyz and other places. Remembering these anniversaries, we take
a closer look at the workings of the railway in Raciborz and Tarnowskie Gory.
2007 excursion
XIV Steam show
Chabówka show "Parowozjada"
The Berlin - Królewiec railway at 160
PKP series OKl1 tank locomotive
After obtaining independence, in January 1920 the Polish Army
occupied Pomerania,
seizing for the PKP 5 locomotives of the former Prussian T6 class,
4 locomotives stationed until that time at the Olivaer Tor depot
(Gdansk Brama Oliwska), and 1 from the Bydgoszcz Gl. depot.
The OKI1 class was given to the locomotives in 1926. This was
not a successful design, but after the first world war the newly
established Polish railway was suffering from a great shortage
of locomotives, thus anything which was fit for use was pressed
into service. These locomotives were used by the PKP until
1936/37. The T6 locomotives were designed and built by Wittfeld
in 1902 as the result of growing transportation needs in the
Berlin area. Initial use showed that the output of the boiler
was too low relative to the capacity of the 3 cylinders. The
3rd cylinder was soon removed, but even after this the locomotives
demonstrated operational faults. The 12 machines produced were
in 1914 transferred to other regions, and 5 of them ended up
in Poland after the first world war.
Bi-level Bipa/Bhp carriages
The bi-level era began in 1959,
when these carriages were first received on Polish rails. After
so many years, recently these carriages have become the oldest series
still in regular service on the PKP! Together with the Bh-class
carriages, popularly known as "Bonanzas", they are the only passenger
stock able to be steam heated. Recently this once universal PKP
equipment has been disappearing into history, yet the memory of
the noise of the opening doors, the din during travel, handles
for opening the windows on the upper level, toilets built for short
people, and little room for legs awakens the strongest sentiment
amid railway enthusiasts. In the article we approach the origin
of the bi-level wagon, details of the varieties constructed,
statistics and locations where they were used on the PKP. On a
colour pull-out, we show the changing paint schemes and markings
of these carriages over the years.
From our library
Announcements and club forum
"Villach" coal wagons in TT from Jago
Modular layouts under the auspices of KKMK
Polymer clay in railway modeling
Modelers design or modify their models using their own various
techniques and materials.
Amongst the most popular are cardboard, photoetched metal and plastic.
But often we run into opinions about the superiority of one technique
over another. However, building an accurate and functional model
usually requires using various techniques and employing various
materials. Their selection is the result of their effectiveness
in yielding the desired parts and their desirable qualities, and
also of the modeler's skills in working with the given type of
material. Andrzej Kowalski, author and modeler, presents a technique
of repeatedly forming and casting parts with complicated shapes
by using easily-available polymer clay, which is hardened by baking.
The results are excellent. This technique however, like others,
is not one-size-fits-all, but mastering it will certainly enrich
one's possibilities for achievement in modeling.
Smoke generators
"Do-it-yourself" - Carton models of diesels.
