From the Editor
- From home
- From our library
- What's old is new - or - „JurrasicPark”
on the PKP
13 years of „aesthetictorture”, the PKP's management has given
Polish railway enthusiasts awonderful, but certainly unexpected,
surprise. It has stoppedenforcing an idiotic regulation about
painting the noses of electricmultiple-units and some
locomotives yellow! More and more unitsdeprived of these canary
„bibs” are turning up across the |
Polish railway network. It's true that this paint does always
fitwell with dirty passenger consists covered with colorful
graffiti, but if one is lucky to find such a locomotive with an
olive setof double-deck stock or a freight train, or standing
alone somewherein a station or in a depot, it's enough to bring
a tear of joy toyour eye. You may read further commentary on the
above phenomenon on page 10÷12. |
- The Forbidden Railway,
part I - Paranoia
It wasn't long ago that in Poland photography was
forbidden of almost everything beyond christenings, weddings,
funerals, communions, and perhaps also trips to places without
strategic importance. One of the most guarded secrets of
socialism was railway transport. Dilapidated narrow-gauge
choo-choos which ran twice a day, or old water towers, were
protected state secrets. In spite of that, many of us railway
enthusiasts tried to make pictures of items that interested us
in those forbidden times. Some photographed with cameras hidden
„up their sleeves”, risking extreme unpleasantness should they
be caught by guards. Others did this activity legally on the
basis of permission issued in the 1980s. Both, during the course
of their railway escapades, had serious "adventures" many times
with officials of the railway or civilian police, or simply with
officious railway workers. Time passes without regret, and many
details of these events are disappearing from memory and lost.
So, we decided to begin a series of reminiscent articles in KMiD
under the common headline „The Forbidden Railway”. We ask all of
our colleagues who were photographing in those „forbidden” times
to write their most interesting adventures and send them to the
editors. In this way we will record the increasingly less-known
pages of our recent history. In the first part we present the
recollections of our colleague, chief editor Krzysztof
Wi¶niewski. |
- Locomotive Coaling Facilities
In the first 100 years of railways,steam traction
held unquestionable dominance on the railway scene.In many countries,
steam locomotives continued to be used for severaldecades even after
the rapid evolution of diesel and electrictraction. Despite the
elimination of steam locomotives fromnormal traffic on most of the
world's railways, they haven't passedfrom the scene. In recent years,
it's been possible to witness arebirth of steam locomotives in
museum and tourist service in manycountries (outside of Poland, of
course). Historically, moststeam locomotives have used coal as fuel.
As steam locomotivesevolved, so did the various installations
intended to supply theselocomotives with this fuel in the quickest
and most efficient waypossible. What facilities remain, how were
they built, andhow did they work? All this will be answered by the
material on pages 20÷56 (limited, of course, to those types of
installations whichwere found in Polish territory). |
- The Stargard Narrow Gauge Railway
passes away
- Modelling Locomotive Coaling Towers
In conjunction with our article onlocomotive
coaling towers, we present, for the benefit of our readerswho
also model steam railways, an overview of the companies
producingbuildings and equipment in the form of kits you can
assemble yourself. From these firm'scatalogs we will search out
everything which can be used for buildingcoaling stations for a
model locomotive depot (limited to thoseproducts, which are
generally available to Polish purchasers). Wepresent short
reviews of different products, point to their „pluses” and „minuses”,
and above all advise as to how well a kitcorresponds to
modelling Polish railways; we also warn if a kit does not
correspond tothe equipment being used in Poland to such a degree
that it cannot bemodified in a modeller's workshop. |
- Club forum and advertisements