From the Editor
- From home
- From our library
- A journey in 2010, or how Poland might look in 8 years
- Railway museums in Holland
- Railways in the Czech Republic
our magazine we have presented the preserved railways of our
German neighbors several times—evoking sighs and jealousy from
our own fans of old railways. Now we invite you to travel beyond
our southern border to the Czech Republic. Just |
several years ago this country practically didn't exist on the
museum-railway map of Europe, and steam-thirsty Czechs visited
our locomotives sheds and lines en masse. It's not surprising,
as towards the end of the 1970's then-Czechslovakia was one of
the first among the so-called „Peoples' Democracies” to
completely eliminate steam traction from service. The few
locomotives kept as museum exhibition pieces in general weren't
fit for operation, and such notions as a „working railway museum”
or „plandampf” were for Czech railway enthusiasts the height of
abstraction. Today the situation has turned around the
proverbial 180 degrees. For several years Czech museum railways
have experienced a real boom. Many steam locomotives and pieces
of rolling stock have been rebuilt for service. The number and
quality of events (most often „plandampfs”) are slowly equalling
those in Germany. It's not surprising then, that large groups of
fans of old railways are traveling there from the entire world (exactly
like they did to Poland in earlier years...). Our editorial
colleague Darek Brodowski was also at one of these events, and
the results of his visit you may see on pages 18÷25. |
- KMiD Gallery
- Forgotten Junction (report from Godkow)
We invite our readers to visit the station and
closed locomotive depot in Godkow - a place forgotten by God,
people, and... railway enthusiasts. Once this was an important
junction on the Nadodrzanski Main Line, and the shop then hosted,
amongst others, the mighty Ty51 freight machines as well as the
handsome Prussian Oi1's. Times of splendour for steam traction
passed; times of splendour for the Nadodrzanski Main Line passed;
in general, times of splendour for our railway passed. The
junction of Godkow became deserted. Brush and grass cover the
trackwork, and the empty locomotive shed is haunted by a
cemetery-like silence. Hobbyists from Szczecin remembered the
forgotten junction when they traveled there in their diesel
railcar, SN61-183. Thanks to them we can present you with a view
of Godkow as it is today, and use the occasion to recall several
historical facts as well as a little data about the steam
locomotives once stationed in Godkow. |
- Ty23-class steam locomotives
stationed at the Chelm depot
- The „Maczki-Bor” Sand Mine Railway
We present an extensive report on one of the four
Upper Silesian sand mines. Though the mines in Szczakowa and
Kotlarnia are well-known to railway enthusiasts due to their use of
steam locomotives until the 1990's, the two others were until now in
a shadow with regard to hobbyist interest. Perhaps this state of
things is changing, due to the large number of ET21 electric
locomotives still in use there. These locomotives are already a
genuine rarity on the PKP. Also deserving merit are the old types of
coal wagons still in use, heavy TEM2 diesel locomotives as well as
the unique, unrepeatable atmosphere of industrial railways. |
- Meadow near Opole
- Soviet transit trains through Poland
- The Smigiel narrow-guage railway passes away
- Smigiel 2002
- How to build a realistic-looking model railway and scenery — Part 5
We're already at the last part of our series of advice for
railway modelers wanting their models and layouts to reflect an
appearance extremely close to that of the original. This time we
occupy ourselves with methods of weathering miniature rolling
stock. At model railway exhibitions and in home display cases,
in almost 100 out of 100 cases we can see model rolling stock
unblemished and clean as though „fresh from the factory”. With
some top-link passenger stock or electric locomotives, or,
generally speaking, models isolated in display cases, such a
state of affairs can be understood; the case of such models
displayed working on a layout, however, stands out as an
unnatural appearance. This particularly applies to steam
locomotives and freight stock, the prototypes of which are as a
rule extremely dirty. And even stock used on top-link services,
electric locomotives, and diesel locomotives are also in reality
not sterile and clean (due to rust from brake shoes, grease). We
make suggestions and methods for bringing models to a realistic
appearance on pages 60÷69. |
- Club forum and advertisements
