From the editors
- From home and abroad
- The "Derailed Women's Club"
- Women on railway excursions
- The Alphabet of Railway Films
the beginning of cinematography, railways have been one of the
most common motifs present in film (the first publicly-presented
motion picture carried the title "Arrival of a train in the
station"!), and,
in addition to being the main setting, |
were more often a
background to the main action taking place. It was no different
in Polish film. Many feature and documentary films have captured
episodes from the history of Polish railways for eternity.
Each-even fictional-feature film shot decades ago and showing
the trains of the time today has tremendous documentary value,
while purely documentary films about our railways from the 60's
and 70's are a pure spiritual feast for railway enthusiasts.
It's only a shame that these documentary films aren't available
to everybody. A little better is the situation with features:
from time to time, our television brings back one of them.
Accordingly, we give our readers a short guide to Polish feature
and documentary films in which one may find interesting railway
scenes. |
- SN61 motor cars - the last
Grudziàdz "Claytons"
We are already finishing our brief series about the popular SN61
railcars. In the last part we invite you along on a visit to the
locomotive depot in Grudziadz, one of the last outposts of these
machines. After all the Grudziàdz shed was from the very
beginning one of their greatest strongholds; one might even
assert that the SN61 was the railway symbol of Grudziàdz. In
this issue's article we present the last "Clayton's" stationed
there, their workings and slow replacement by "modern" motive
power. In addition, we present the next group of photographs and
reproductions of timetables. We hope that these four articles in
KMiD at least in part satisified the appetite of our readers
concerning this unusually popular series of rolling stock of our
railway. |
- Narrow-gauge railways slip away...
Part 1 - The Krosniewice Narrow-Gauge Railway
We bring you the first part of a new
series of articles presenting the last Polish narrow-gauge railways
in PKP service. The author of the series visited all of them in the
very last days before the "suspension" of services and without delay
wrote down his impressions. These aren't going to be historical or
articles. You won't find statistics, duty assignments or lists of
closed routes. The author's intention was capturing and committing
to paper the unique, unrepeatable climate of our narrow-gauge
which, with their closing, is receding into the annals of history.
If local governments or private owners take over even a portion of
these railways, they won't be able to recreate this atmosphere from
the PKP
era. It's a pity... |
- The 2002 Nuremburg Toy Fair -
model railway news
At the beginning of February each year, the German city of
Nuremburg for several days turns into the world capital of
railway modelling. During the cours of the International
Toy Fair, hundreds
of firms (primarily German), specializing in producing
everything which might enhance the lives of millions of fans of
these smallest of railways running in the solitude of the home
or in adjoining
gardens, exhibit their wares in gigantic separate pavilions.
Outside of Poland, railway modelling is an uncommonly popular
area of interest, and in Germany plainly the "national hobby".
Fanatics from
our country could be led to a nervous breakdown by the number of
firms, model shops, exhibitions and fairs beyond our southern
and western borders. The offerings of these companies can also
cause dizziness of the head. We present a portion of this year's
products in our magazine. |
- Club forum and advertisements
