- From the editor
- Autumn & winter 2001 excursions
- Wolsztyn - Stany - Sława Śląska - New Year's with the "Little OL"
- Expedition to Zittau
- New Year's in the Steam Depot
In communist times, the life of the railway enthusiast wasn't a bed of roses. If it wasn't enough that there was a stern prohibition on photography, one could also incur unpleasantness from simply observing
railway operations, not to mention the consequences of illegally trespassing on railway property. Many ordinary railway workers exhibited a zeal for chasing "spies" no less than the railway or regular police. If we don't overlook the existence of the ORMO (The Voluntary Citizens Police Reserve - an explanation for our younger readers), members of which displayed particular persistence and arrogance, we already have a whole gamut of the dangers lying in wait for the unlucky person who chose such an unfortunate hobby. In this article, editorial colleague Tomasz Roszak remembers these same "interesting times". We encourage our readers, who may have already been railway enthusiasts at the time and have interesting "experiences" - even in spite of a permit to take photographs issued by the headquarters of the railway police - to write them down and send them to KMiD. We will willingly print them.
- Bell signal installations
- How many Ty23-class steam locomotives were really produced?
- Routes served by SN61 railcars in the middle of the 1980's
- My encounter with the "Mazury Express"
/2a.jpg) The "Mazury Express" was the name of a special train organized by German railway enthusiasts in 1997. The train visited our country, making a number of trips across rails of Pomerania and Mazuria. The train was made up of a VT671-series motor car from the 1920's along with an equally-aged trailer car, VB140 005. This train was equally interesting for Polish railway enthusiasts due to the fact that until Poland's territory changed after the war, such equipment was a common sight on the rails of what was then East Prussia, more recently the Polish provinces of Mazuria and Pomerania. It is also worth nothing the excellent technical condition of the cars and the sensational reproduction of the painting and lettering from the times of the DRG. Our genius "specialists" in the field of railway preservation could learn a little from the lessons of this article, especially the accompanying
photographs. |
- The 2001 beet campaign on the narrow gauge
The times of splendor on the at-one-time numerous narrow-gauge sugar railways are now history. There remain only three sugar factories in Kujawy (Kruszwica, Dobre and Tuczno) which still use this method of transport, but in an already-reduced scope. Of the thick network of beet lines and multitude of collecting points, only a remnant remains. Moreover, one hears more and more about the Kujawy sugar factories abandoning this remainder and their intention to convert to truck transport like the other sugar factories have done already. Therefore, each sugar beet campaign could be the last for these few remaining narrow-gauge beet railways. We present a report from last year's campaign in Kujawy having - in spite of everything - hope that this year we will still be able to watch these loveable trains working normally, and not in the scrap
line. |
- Garden railways - within reach
- How to build a realistic-looking model railway and scenery - Part 4
/4a.jpg) In this segment of our advice for modelers seeking realism, we turn our attention to the "Achilles heel" of the majority of layouts - the extremely unrealistically-executed trackage in locomotive depots and stations. Prototype trackage in these places differs noticeably from running tracks. Tracks in locomotives depots (especially in the days of steam) were covered with a layer of grease; instead of the ground, we could only see an oily-greasy mud, and between the sleepers and next to the tracks stood puddles of water. A similar situation exists in stations, especially in the places where locomotives stood at the platforms and under water columns. At the same time, on layouts (and not only Polish layouts!) we see depots with many steam locomotives standing on spotlessly clean tracks, covered with bright ballast, on which it is difficult to see even a drop of grease (not to mention puddles of water). We will attempt to change this characteristic state of things in the article on pages 56-62 |
- Advertisements and club forum
